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Targeting Rare Diseases and Critical Care.

AOP Health is the European pioneer for integrated therapies for rare diseases and in critical care.

About AOP Health.

Over the past 25 years, AOP Health has become an established provider of integrated therapy solutions from its headquarters in Vienna, its subsidiaries and representative offices throughout Europe and the Middle East, as well as through partners worldwide. Since the very start the company has been focused on the individual needs and treatments of patients. Based on its research-centered approach, AOP Health has a profound understanding of rare diseases and critical care. Therefore, the company has been able to position itself as an innovative front-runner in the development of effective therapies and drugs.

Nicolas Sidlarewicz

Our company has always focused on individual patient needs and treatments. Thanks to its research-focused approach, AOP Health has in-depth knowledge of rare diseases and critical care. We aim to position ourselves as an innovative forerunner in the development of safe and effective therapies and medicines.

What are Rare Diseases?

Whether a disease is defined as a rare disease depends on the frequency of its occurrence in the population. However, from the global point of view the definition is not consistent. Thus, in Europe those diseases that occur in less than 5 per 10,000 residents are defined as rare diseases.

Start your Career.

We are looking for ambitious candidates. Become a part of AOP Health and help our team to develop, investigate and provide integrated therapies for rare diseases and in critical care.

Find opportunities on our global website

Get in touch.

AOP Health aims to provide new therapies for rare diseases and in intensive care medicine.

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