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Locations & Contacts.

At AOP Health, our management team consists of natural science experts, showcasing the competence and professionalism of our employees.

AOP Orphan Pharmaceuticals GmbH
Leopold-Ungar-Platz 2
1190 Vienna, Austria

Reporting of Adverse Drug Reactions:


Visit Website
AOP Orphan Pharmaceuticals GmbH
Member of the AOP Health Group
Leopold-Ungar-Platz 2
1190 Vienna, Austria

Reporting of Adverse Drug Reactions:
Meldung von unerwünschten Arzneimittelwirkungen:

Visit Website
AOP Orphan Pharmaceuticals Netherlands B.V.
Hurksestraat 64,
5652 AL Eindhoven, Netherlands

Reporting of Adverse Drug Reactions:
pharmacovigilance[at] (cc: info.benelux[at]

Representation of AOP Orphan Pharmaceutical GmbH in Bulgaria
5 Kishinev ulica App.2
1407 Sofia, Bulgaria

Reporting of Adverse Drug Reactions:
Докладване на нежелани лекарствени реакции:

Visit Website
AOP Orphan Pharmaceuticals GmbH Representation in the Czech Republic
Pod Děvínem 28
150 00 Prague 5, Czech Republic

Reporting of Adverse Drug Reactions:
Hlášení nežádoucích účinků léčiv:
MUDr. Janeta Filová[at]

Visit Website
AOP Orphan Pharmaceuticals Sweden AB
Kista Science Tower, Färögatan 33, plan 31
164 51 Kista, Sweden

Reporting of Adverse Drug Reactions:
Rapportering av läkemedelsbiverkningar:

Visit Website
AOP Orphan Pharmaceuticals Sweden AB
Kista Science Tower, Färögatan 33, plan 31
164 51 Kista, Sweden

Reporting of Adverse Drug Reactions:
Rapportering av läkemedelsbiverkningar:

Visit Website
AOP Orphan Pharmaceuticals France S.A.S
15 Rue Jeanne Braconnier - Le Pasteur
92360 Meudon La Foret, France

For all medical information requests:[at]

Reporting of Adverse Drug Reactions:
Si vous souhaitez rapporter un effet indésirable:[at]

If you wish to report a product quality complaint:[at]

Visit Website
AOP Orphan Pharmaceuticals Germany GmbH
Fraunhoferstrasse 11
85737 Ismaning, Germany

Reporting of Adverse Drug Reactions:
Meldung von unerwünschten Arzneimittelwirkungen:
Diapharm GmbH & Co. KG
Untermainkai 40
60329 Frankfurt / Main
+49 251 609 350

Visit Website
AOP Orphan Pharmaceutical Greece Ltd
105 Michalakopoulou
11527, Athens

Reporting of Adverse Drug Reactions:
Αναφορά ανεπιθύμητων ενεργειών φαρμάκων:

Visit Website
AOP Orphan Pharmaceuticals GmbH Representation Office in Hungary
Magyarországi Képviselet,
Dayka Gábor u.3., Rubin Business Center
1118 Budapest, Hungary

Reporting of Adverse Drug Reactions:
A nemkívánatos gyógyszerhatások jelentése:[at]
Országos Gyógyszerészeti és Élelmezés-egészségügyi Intézetnek (OGYÉI)
1372 Budapest, Pf. 450.

Visit Website
AOP Orphan Pharmaceuticals Sweden AB
Kista Science Tower, Färögatan 33, plan 31
164 51 Kista, Sweden

Reporting of Adverse Drug Reactions:
Rapportering av läkemedelsbiverkningar:

Visit Website
AOP Orphan Ltd.
Member of the AOP Health Group
Colmore Plaza, 20 Colmore Circus Queensway
Birmingham, B4 6AT, United Kingdom

Reporting of Adverse Drug Reactions:
+44 121 262 4119 or drugsafety[at]

AOP Orphan Pharmaceuticals Israel Ltd.
10 Riza St.
7685800 Aseret, Israel

Reporting of Adverse Drug Reactions:

Visit Website
AOP Orphan Pharmaceuticals Italy S.r.l.
Via Umberto Forti, 1
56121 Pisa, Italy

Reporting of Adverse Drug Reactions:
Segnalazione delle Reazioni Avverse ai Farmaci:
Leopold-Ungar-Platz 2
1190 Vienna, Austria
+43 1 503 7244

Visit Website
AOP Orphan Pharmaceuticals GmbH Representative office for the Baltic States
Krokuvos 8A-30
09314 Vilnius, Lithuania

Reporting of Adverse Drug Reactions:
Pranešimas apie Nepageidaujamas Reakcijas į Vaistus:
UAB Biomapas
K. Donelaicio str. 60
LT-44248 Kaunas, Lithuania

Visit Website
AOP Orphan Pharmaceuticals Netherlands B.V.
Hurksestraat 64,
5652 AL Eindhoven, Netherlands

Reporting of Adverse Drug Reactions:
pharmacovigilance[at] (cc: info.benelux[at]

Visit Website
AOP Orphan Pharmaceuticals Netherlands B.V.
Hurksestraat 64,
5652 AL Eindhoven, Netherlands

Reporting of Adverse Drug Reactions:
Rapportage van bijwerkingen van geneesmiddelen:
pharmacovigilance[at] (cc: info.benelux[at]

Visit Website
AOP Orphan Pharmaceuticals Sweden AB
Kista Science Tower, Färögatan 33, plan 31
164 51 Kista, Sweden

Reporting of Adverse Drug Reactions:
Rapportering av läkemedelsbiverkningar:

Visit Website
AOP Orphan Pharmaceuticals Poland Sp. z o.o.
Ul. Olkuska 7
02-604 Warsaw, Poland

Reporting of Adverse Drug Reactions:
Zgłaszanie niepożądanych działań leków:

Visit Website
AOP Orphan Pharmaceuticals Iberia S.L.
C/ Cólquide 6, Edif. Prisma. Portal 2, 1º F
28231 Las Rozas, Madrid. Spain

Reporting of Adverse Drug Reactions:
Notificación de Reacciones Adversas a los Medicamentos:

Reporting of Adverse Drug Reactions for Portugal:
Notificação de Reacções Adversas a Medicamentos para Portugal:

Visit Website
AOP Orphan Pharmaceuticals GmbH
Representation Romania
Str. Theodor Sperantia, nr. 130, bl. 78, sc A, et 1, ap. 7, sector 3
030933 Bucharest, Romania

Reporting of Adverse Drug Reactions:
Raportarea Reacțiilor Adverse:
+40 729 210 720, office[at]

Visit Website
AOP Orphan Pharmaceuticals GmbH Representation in Slovakia
Apollo Business Center II, block A, Prievozská 4/A
821 09 Bratislava, Slovakia

Reporting of Adverse Drug Reactions:
Hlásenie podozrení na nežiaduce účinky liekov:

Visit Website
AOP Orphan Pharmaceuticals GmbH - podružnica Adria
Ulica bratov Babnik 10
1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

Reporting of Adverse Drug Reactions:
Poročanje o neželenih učinkih zdravila:

Visit Website
AOP Orphan Pharmaceuticals Iberia S.L.
C/ Cólquide 6, Edif. Prisma. Portal 2, 1º F
28231 Las Rozas, Madrid. Spain

Reporting of Adverse Drug Reactions:
Notificación de Reacciones Adversas a los Medicamentos:

Reporting of Adverse Drug Reactions for Portugal:
Notificação de Reacções Adversas a Medicamentos para Portugal:

Visit Website
AOP Orphan Pharmaceuticals Sweden AB
Kista Science Tower, Färögatan 33, plan 31
164 51 Kista, Sweden

Reporting of Adverse Drug Reactions:
Rapportering av läkemedelsbiverkningar:

Visit Website
AOP Orphan Ilac LTD ŞTI
Barbaros Mah. Morsumbul Sk. No:5A Deluxia Palace K:7 D:199
Ataşehir Istanbul, 34746 Turkiye

Reporting of Adverse Drug Reactions:
Advers İlaç Reaksiyonlarının Raporlanması:

AOP Orphan Pharmaceuticals FZ-LLC
Dubai Science Park (DSP), North Tower
Office 809N, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Reporting of Adverse Drug Reactions and other enquiries for GCC:
+971 551906241 or +971 509116754

Reporting of Adverse Drug Reactions for Saudi Arabia:
(الإبلاغ عن التأثيرات الدوائية الجانبية في المملكة العربية السعودية)
(البريد الالكتروني):
QPPV[at]thimar.comdeputyqppv[at] or mena[at]
+966 571640611

Visit Website
AOP Orphan Ltd
Member of the AOP Health Group
Colmore Plaza, 20 Colmore Circus Queensway
Birmingham, B4 6AT, United Kingdom

Reporting of Adverse Drug Reactions:
Adverse events should be reported to the MHRA via the yellow card scheme at or search for MHRA Yellow Card in the Google Play or Apple App Store.

Adverse events should also be reported to AOP Orphan Pharmaceuticals at +44 (0) 121 262 4119 or drugsafety[at]

Visit Website
AOP Orphan Pharmaceuticals GmbH
Member of the AOP Health Group

Contact Us:[at]

For Medical Inquiries:[at]

Reporting of Adverse Drug Reactions[at]

AOP Health Group Members.

Amomed Pharma GmbH
Leopold-Ungar-Platz 2
1190 Vienna, Austria
OrphaCare GmbH
Leopold-Ungar-Platz 2
1190 Vienna , Austria
OrphaCare Germany GmbH
Max-Planck-Straße 7
59423 Unna, Germany
SciPharm s.r.l
7 Fausermillen
6689 Mertert , Luxembourg
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