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Publication and disclosure of all non-cash benefits from calendar year 2022

Methodology for the Disclosure of Benefits to Health Professionals (HCPs) And Scientific Health Bodies (SHBs) AOP Orphan Pharmaceutical Greece MPE (formerly Amomed Pharmaceutical MPE) (hereinafter referred to as AOP) collaborates with Healthcare Professionals (hereinafter referred to as HCPs) and Scientific Healthcare Providers (hereinafter referred to as SSPs) with the aim of gathering as much information and knowledge as possible on a wide range of issues that contribute to the development of best quality pharmaceutical products, which it develops, markets and promotes. Our primary concern is compliance with applicable legislation and a commitment to transparency in our business practices and our relationships with EY and EYF. In accordance with the requirements of Article 66 par. 7a of Law 4316/2014, pharmaceutical companies in Greece are obliged, for transparency reasons, to disclose both on their website and on the platform of the National Organization for Medicines (EOF), in accordance with the above provisions, every benefit they provide to EY and EYF.

AOP Orphan Pharmaceutical Greece MPE (formerly Amomed Pharmaceutical MPE) collaborates with Healthcare Professionalsand Scientific Healthcare Providers with the aim of gathering as much information and knowledge as possible on a wide range of issues that contribute to the development of best quality pharmaceutical products, which it develops, markets and promotes. Our primary concern is compliance with applicable legislation and a commitment to transparency in our business practices and our relationships with EY and EYF. In accordance with the requirements of Article 66 par. 7a of Law 4316/2014, pharmaceutical companies in Greece are obliged, for transparency reasons, to disclose both on their website and on the platform of the National Organization for Medicines (EOF), in accordance with the above provisions, every benefit they provide to EY and EYF.

Further information on the publication methodology and the corresponding disclosures can be found in the following documents:

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