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Publication And Disclosure Of All Money-Value Services From The Calendar Year 2020

AOP Orphan Pharmaceuticals GmbH and its affiliated companies are convinced that transparent interactions with healthcare organizations, healthcare professionals, patient organizations and other specialist groups foster trust and avoid conflicts of interest from the outset.

AOP Orphan Ltd. is proud to support:

11th – 14th June 2020
AOP Orphan Ltd sponsored a €99 registration for 1 clinician from the Mercy University Hospital, Cork, to access the on-line European Haematology Association (EHA) annual conference.

30th March 2022
AOP Orphan Ltd organised and sponsored an on-line ‘Delphi Panel’ meeting with 5 Republic of Ireland haematologists. Each was paid €500 for their participation and advice. The 5 HCPs were from the haematology departments of the following hospitals:
Midland Regional Hospital, Tullamore
Mater Misericordiae University Hospital
Cork University Hospital
St Vincents University Hospital
Galway University Hospital

13th May 2022
AOP Orphan Ltd was one of the sponsors of the Haematology Society of Ireland’s ‘Spring Study Day Meeting in Dublin, Ireland at a cost of €1,200 (inc VAT) to support the meeting through the Haematology Association of Ireland.

14th – 15th October 2022
AOP Orphan Ltd was one of the sponsors of the Haematology Association of Ireland Annual Conference. This was held in Cork, Ireland. AOP paid €3,500 (plus VAT of 23%) to support the meeting through the Haematology Association of Ireland.

1st and 2nd December 2023
AOP Orphan Ltd sponsored with economy flights and hotel, one nurse from the Mater Hospital in Dublin, Ireland, to attend a PH scientific conference in Vienna, Austria.

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