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Targeting Rare Diseases and Critical Care.

About AOP Health.

For more than 25 years, AOP Health has been working and serving healthcare professionals and patients from its headquarters in Vienna, its subsidiaries and representative offices in Europe and the Middle East, and through partners worldwide. Ever since its founding, the company has focused on patients' individual needs and treatments. AOP has a clear research-oriented approach and a very good understanding of rare diseases and intensive care.


Sofia Opitz

AOP Health is a company with a dynamic culture where the patient is in focus. My goal is to expand our business in the region together with the AOP Health Nordic Team as well as close to healthcare and support patients with rare and critical diseases.

What are Rare Diseases?

A rare disease is defined by how rare it is and how often it occurs in the population. However, from a global perspective, the definition is not consistent, so in Europe, diseases occurring in less than 5 per 10 000 inhabitants are defined as rare diseases.

Do you want to work with us?

We are always looking for more ambitious employees and talents. Join the AOP Health Team and develop, research and provide medicines for rare diseases and in intensive care.

Find job opportunities on our global website

Get in touch.

AOP Health provides new therapies for rare diseases and in intensive care medicine. For further information and information, please contact us.

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