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Publication And Disclosure Of All Money-Value Services From The Calendar Year 2017

AOP Orphan Pharmaceuticals GmbH and its affiliated companies are convinced that transparent interactions with healthcare organizations, healthcare professionals, patient organizations and other specialist groups foster trust and avoid conflicts of interest from the outset.

AOP Orphan Ltd. is proud to support:

Friday 29th Sept 2017
AOP Orphan Ltd was one of sponsors of an 'advanced practitioner meeting' of the UK Clinical Pharmacy Association's Critical Care Group. Held in London. AOP paid £1,500 to the UKCPA.

Friday 17th November 2017
AOP Orphan Ltd was one of sponsors of the 4th Myeloproliferative Disorders Conference. Held in London. AOP paid £3,000 to support the meeting through Hartley Taylor Medical Communications, Preston UK.

Oct 12th - 14th 2017
AOP Orphan Ltd sponsored registration, economy flights and hotel for a Doctor from the dept of haematology at the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford, UK, to attend the EHA-SWG Scientific Meeting on MPN in Budapest.

26-28 April 2018
AOP Orphan Ltd sponsored registration, economy flights and hotel for a Doctor from dept of haematology at the Royal United Hospital, Bath, UK to attend the 11th IHEM (International Hematology Expert Meeting) in Vienna, Austria.

22nd Feb 2018
AOP Orphan Ltd was one of the sponsors of the official web site of the Association of Myeloid Neoplasm Practitioners ( AOP paid £734 for the first year of a three-year agreement.

Friday 28th Sept 2018
AOP Orphan Ltd was one of sponsors of an 'advanced practitioner meeting' of the UK Clinical Pharmacy Association's Critical Care Group. Held in London. AOP paid £1,500 to the UKCPA.

14th November 2018
AOP Orphan Ltd was one of the sponsors of a conference organised by the Medical Council on Alcohol. Held in London. AOP paid £650 to the MCA.

21st Feb 2018
AOP Orphan Ltd was one of the sponsors of the official web site of the Association of Myeloid Neoplasm Practitioners ( AOP paid £734 for the second year of a three-year agreement.

8th March 2019
AOP Orphan Ltd was one of the sponsors of an MPN nurses’ conference organised by the haematology dept., of the Hammersmith Hospital in London. AOP paid £500 to The Department of Haematology of Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust

9th – 11th May 2019
AOP Orphan Ltd sponsored registration, economy flights and hotel rooms for a Doctor from dept of haematology at the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford, UK, and a Doctor from dept of haematology at the Royal Free Hospital in London, UK to attend the 12th IHEM (International Hematology Expert Meeting) in Sitges, Spain.

12th Feb 2020
AOP Ltd was one of the sponsors of the official web site of the Association of Myeloid Neoplasm Practitioners ( AOP paid £734 for the third year of a three-year agreement.

6th March 2020
AOP Orphan Ltd was one of the sponsors of an MPN nurses’ conference organised by the haematology dept., of the Hammersmith Hospital in London. AOP paid £500 to The Department of Haematology of Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust

11th – 14th June 2020
AOP Orphan Ltd sponsored a €99 registration for 4 clinicians to access the on-line European Haematology Association (EHA) annual conference. The 4 sites where the clinicians were based were:
John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford
Guy’s & St Thomas’ Hospital, London
Beatson Cancer Centre, Glasgow
Belfast City Hospital, Belfast, Northern Ireland

10th November 2020
AOP Orphan Ltd engaged the services of 7 consultants to participate in an on-line advisory board meeting lasting 2.5 hours
The two presenter / chairs of the meeting were paid £625 each and the five participant consultants were paid £500 each.
The seven sites where the consultants are based are:
Guy’s & St Thomas’ Hospital, London
Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre, Glasgow
St James’ University Hospital, Leeds
Royal Liverpool & Broadgreen Hospital, Liverpool
Addenbrooks Hospital, Cambridge
University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff
Vienna General Hospital, Vienna, Austria

1st March, 2021
AOP Orphan Ltd – supported the South West of England MPN Group's request for an Educational Grant to support their March 2021 meeting at which a Professor gave a medical presentation to approx 25-30 delegates - £200

1st March, 2021
AOP Orphan Ltd - supported a clinician from Papworth Hospital, Cambridge, to attend a virtual CTEPH conference organised by the International CTEPH Association (ICA) - €300

18th May 2021
AOP Orphan Ltd organised and sponsored an online educational event for Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales, with medical, pharmacy and nursing specialists in haematology in attendance. Three presenters were paid honoraria of £500 each, and one Chair / presenter was paid £650. The faculty members were from the following hospital haematology departments:
Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre, Glasgow
Belfast City Hospital, Belfast, Northern Ireland
Aneurin Bevan University Health Board, Wales
Vienna General Hospital, Vienna, Austria

Wednesday 10th November 2021
AOP Orphan Ltd was one of sponsors of the Myeloproliferative Neoplasms Advances Day. Held in London. AOP paid £4,800 (inc VAT) to support the meeting through Hartley Taylor Medical Communications, Preston UK.

26th – 27th January 2022
AOP Orphan Ltd was one of the sponsors of the ‘POST ASH – SIGNIFICANT HIGHLIGHTS’ conference organised by Hartley Taylor Medical Communications, Preston UK. AOP paid £6,000 (inc VAT).

30th March 2022
AOP Orphan Ltd organised and sponsored an on-line ‘Delphi Panel’ meeting with 5 Republic of Ireland haematologists, and one Northern Ireland Haematologist. Each was paid £500 / €500 for their participation and advice. The Northern Ireland HCP was from the haematology department of the Belfast City Hospital, Belfast, Northern Ireland

5th – 7th May 2022
AOP Orphan Ltd sponsored economy flights and hotel rooms for 2 Doctors (one from dept of haematology at the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford, UK, and a Doctor from dept of haematology at the Gloucester Royal Infirmary, UK to attend the 15th IHEM (International Haematology Expert Meeting) in Vienna, Austria

28th May 2022
AOP Orphan Ltd organised and sponsored an advisory board meeting with 3 haematologists to support an application to the Scottish Medicine’s Consortium. Each HCP was paid £300 for their participation and advice. The HCPs were from the haematology departments of the following hospitals:
Belfast City Hospital, Belfast, Northern Ireland
Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre, Glasgow
NHS Lothian, Edinburgh

9th – 12th June 2022
AOP Orphan Ltd sponsored registration (€669 per person) for 3 UK clinicians to attend the European Haematology Association (EHA) annual conference in Vienna, Austria. This included economy flights and hotel stay. The 2 sites where the 3 clinicians were based were:
2 from Clatterbridge Cancer Centre, Liverpool
1 from Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust

26th – 29th August 2022
AOP sponsored registration for one UK clinician (€765 inc VAT) to attend the European Society of Cardiology meeting in Barcelona, Spain. This included economy flights and hotel stay. The clinician was based at the Royal Free Hospital, London

3rd - 6th September 2022
AOP sponsored registration for one UK clinician (€650 inc VAT) to attend the European Respiratory Society meeting in Barcelona, Spain. This included economy flights and hotel stay. The clinician was based at the Golden Jubilee Hospital in Glasgow.

4th – 5th November 2022
AOP Orphan Ltd was one of sponsors of the Myeloproliferative Neoplasms Advances Day. Held in London. AOP paid £6,000 (inc VAT) to support the meeting through Hartley Taylor Medical Communications, Preston

11th – 12th November 2022
AOP Orphan Ltd was one of sponsors of the SCOTTISH HAEMATOLOGY SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING. Held in Dunblane, Scotland. AOP paid £1,750 to support the meeting through the Scottish Haematology Society.

24th February 2023
AOP Orphan Ltd was one of the sponsors of The Irish Pulmonary Hypertension Meeting 2023 meeting held at the Clayton hotel, Belfast.  AOP paid £2,000 to support the meeting through CFS Events Ltd.

28th March 2023
AOP Orphan Ltd was one of the sponsors of The British Heart Rhythm Symposium 2023 meeting held at the Royal College of Physicians, London.  AOP paid £2,000 to support the meeting through the British Heart Rhythm Society.

28th March 2023
AOP Orphan Ltd was one of the sponsors of The NEICS Spring Meeting 2023 held at Crathorne Hall, Yarm.  AOP paid £400 to support the meeting through the North of England Intensive Care Society.

11th – 13th May 2023
AOP Orphan Ltd sponsored economy flights and hotel rooms for 2 Doctors (one from dept of haematology at the Lewisham Hospital, London, and one from the dept of haematology at Kings College Hospital, London, to attend the 16th IHEM (International Haematology Expert Meeting) in Malaga, Spain

8th – 11th June 2023
AOP Orphan Ltd sponsored registration (€669) one UK clinician from Leicester Royal Infirmary to attend the European Haematology Association (EHA) annual conference in Frankfurt, Germany.

29th – 30th June 2023
AOP Orphan Ltd sponsored with economy flights and hotel, one physician from the Golden Jubilee hospital in Glasgow, Scotland, to attend a PH scientific conference in Vienna, Austria.

9th – 13th September 2023
AOP Orphan Ltd sponsored registration for one UK clinician (€700 inc VAT) to attend the European Respiratory Society (ERS) meeting in Milan, Italy. This included economy flights and hotel stay. The clinician was based at the Golden Jubilee Hospital in Glasgow, UK. AOP also donated a travel grant to the PHA UK organisation of £1,500 to allow one of their executives to attend ERS.

1st and 2nd November 2023
AOP Orphan Ltd was one of the industry sponsors of the PH Research Forum meeting held in London and organised by the PHA UK organisation. AOP paid PHA UK £2,000 to support this scientific meeting.

17th November 2023
AOP Orphan Ltd was one of sponsors of the Myeloproliferative Neoplasms Advances Day. Held in London. AOP paid £2,500 (ex VAT) to support the meeting through Hartley Taylor Medical Communications, Preston.

29th February 2024
AOP Orphan Ltd was one of sponsors of the PHA UK organisation’s ‘clinician booklet’ project with a grant of £1,500.



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